“Los Shorts Program” will choose a selection of short films to appear in one of the showcases as part of our festival season programs. This is the chance for filmmakers to show their work at PHLAFF, complementing the other segments of our program that are curated.
“Los Shorts Program” films must be 29 minutes or less, should not be completed or premiered prior to 2023, and fall under the following categories:
• Animation • Documentary • Experimental • Narrative
“Los Features Program” will choose a selection of feature films to appear in one of the showcases as part of our festival season programs.
“Los Features Program” films must be 30 minutes or more should not be completed or premiered prior to 2023, and must fall under the following categories:
• Animation • Documentary • Experimental • Narrative
“Los Especiales Program” will choose a selection of web series, AR/VR projects, music videos, digital media and any other emerging practices to appear in one of the showcases as part of our festival season programs.
“Los Especiales Program” should not be completed or premiered prior to 2023, and fall under the following categories:
• Webseries • AR/VR • Music Videos • Digital Media • Any Other Emerging Practices
PHLAFF’s LOLA Awards will recognize and honor cinematic achievements in filmmaking that brings together all of the elements that make for a great film, including direction, acting, cinematography, script/writing and storytelling. LOLA Award films should not be completed or premiered prior to 2023. **FOR 2025, LOLA AWARD FILMS MUST HIGHLIGHT THEMES OF CONNECTION.**
PHLAFF's Youth Salon is open to youth under 22 years of age who are Latin American, of Latin American heritage, or identify as Latine/x/a/o who have at least one of the following roles in the making of the film; writer, actor, director, producer, or editor. Please note that Youth Salon submissions for schools and students will start at a later date.
September 15th - Submissions Open
October 15th - Early Deadline
November 15th - Regular Deadline
December 15th - Late Deadline
February 15th - Notification Date
March 1st - FilmFreeway Selections & LOLA Winners Press Announcement
May 25 - July 6th, 2025 - PHLAFF Event Date